Most parents are unaware that veruccas, usually found on the soles of our feet, which are the blight of children who swim (as they’re often picked up on damp surfaces such as pool surrounds), are caused by the HPV virus.
Verucca is actually another name for ‘wart’ but commonly refers to the black-headed warts that affect our feet. The black head is actually a result of the way the wart pulls blood vessels up towards the surface.
Avoid catching them by:
- Wear flip-flops around the pool and changing room
- Don’t cut toenails too short
If your child has one: Don’t panic – most veruccas clear up of their own accord, although it can take anything up to two years.
The current medical advice is to treat veruccas only if they’re painful. See a podiatrist if they persist or are sore.
From you can buy tea tree oil with lemon which is great in the early stages and for more active treatment moderate strength salycyclic acid preparations such as Duofilm and Occusal are recommended for At Home use.
Keeping them covered with a simple elastoplast also helps speed up the resoution of these.