As the foot experts our aim is to get you walking pain free. We also work with you to get you running and as the London Marathon approaches again (Sat 26th April 2009) you may be taking part or using it as the impetus to get you moving.
It is natural to run. It is not simply a learnt skill, it is part of life itself. Running brings rewards beyond the triumph of the finishing line. I have never been a fast runner but running is part of our lives. We need to keep moving.
“We need to eat, to rest but we also need to run.”
Runners always say that if you run you will see a difference between your life with running and without it. With running, they say, you are productive and you give your brain the time and the chance to create new things.
I have been working at the first aid tents at the London marathon for many years; I remember when the race used to finish over Westminster Bridge. In those early years, the devastation on feet was astonishing. People wore dreadful shoes and were poorly prepared; it felt at times like working in a war zone. Huge blood blisters, feet torn to shreds, damaged toenails… all very painful.
One year I administered foot first aid at the half way mark as we used to live in the Isle of Dogs and the race passed by our house. I like to think I contributed to some people actually completing the race because of what we were able to do at mile 12!
Nowadays the first aid medical team is very well organised and comprises of physios, sport doctors and podiatrists. The runners themselves are so much better prepared and manage their own blisters etc themselves with dramatically better shoes and much more information and improved training schedules our role is much less now. One year it rained so hard that all the string knots on the kit bags had swollen up so I spent more time cutting open kit bags than treating feet!
Supplefeet reminder at this time of January Fitness!
Watch children who not only run everywhere but have a third movement which is skipping!
Tips for running and for training for the marathonTaken from an interview in the Telegraph with Haile Gerbrselassies; World record Holder 2.04:26 Berlin 2007Mind preparation is keyLet you win yourself first. Before you “win” the marathon or race, if you win within yourself first you can do whatever they want.
How?First do enough training. Then believe in yourself and say “I can do it”. Tomorrow is my day. And then say: the person in front of me is just a human being as well.
Be committedGo through the plan you have and say “I have to do it”. Tell your brain like some high official.
“Do It!”
“Come On,”
“I have to do it.”
“Always if you mentally win you can win physically.”
Supplefeet recommends Runners Need in Liverpool Street for your running shoes.
Do book a Video Gait Analysis with our Podiatrists at Supplefeet and we will analyse your running style and advise on any areas to be strengthened and recommend orthotics or insoles as necessary. This will help to avoid unnecessary sports injuries.