Thursday, 22 January 2009

Dirty feet

Dirty Feet are a fact of life. If you walk barefoot or in sandals etc (which you should when you can) they will get dirty. Keeping the dirt on feet can be a precursor to callus and hard skin formation. Small bits of grit and grime being pushed into the skin on the ball of the foot act like irritants and cause hard skin to form over many years. So scrubbing feet is a crucial part of your everyday routine. As vital as cleaning your teeth.

I recommend proper nail brushes, even good pan scourers will do. We use a Heals pan scourer, very colourful but quite harsh. I know this as my daughters little friend used it to scrub off some eye make up! When I told her Mum she had used a pan scourer that was kept by the bath it explained why she had scrubbed off a layer of skin! So these things are not gentle.

The skin on your foot is 5 times thicker than anywhere else so scrub away the dirt. Don't rely on the shower soapy water just sloshing over your feet. Get scrubbing!

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